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Are you someone who wants to study culinary arts or take up English courses in Australia? Then, it is best for you to know what you need in getting an Australian visa.
australian visa student

Australia is not only a destination for travel and tours but also a country of academic excellence. A number of Filipinos are quite encouraged and persuaded to finish a degree in some of the most prestigious universities in the world located in Australia. However, getting an Australian student visa is not a piece of cake. It will take time and pretty a lot of money in lodging applications. Here are important details on what you should have in applying for the said visa.

First and foremost, applicants should meet the requirements of the GTE or the Genuine Temporary Entrant in Australia. This will validate your intention in staying in the country temporarily. Some factors that are to be considered in the GTE requirement are as follows: circumstances in the applicant’s home country, the applicant’s potential circumstances in Australia, the applicant’s immigration history, the value of the course to the applicant’s future, and other matter to the applicant’s intention to stay temporarily. In addition, the applicant needs to present a CoE or Confirmation of Enrollment from the academic institution they have applied for. Furthermore, the applicant has to present evidence of his or her financial statements. This is needed to verify whether the individual can afford the school fees and the living expenses in Australia. The next requirement is by far one of the most important in the initial steps in applying for the visa – an English proficiency examination.

Applicants should pass an English proficiency requirement which depends on the academic institutions. Each institution has a required English proficiency test and test score requirement. Below are the accepted English proficiency exams in Australia. 

For the candidates, the best thing is to double check on the English test requirement that the institution needs. In addition, if the test is not available in the Philippines, there are other options or tests that the candidate can choose from with their equivalent scores from the other exams.


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