10:00 AM
189 visa
Having the opportunity to work or even study overseas is something Filipinos would go for. The chance of living their lives in other countries is a common goal for Filipinos. Working overseas promises better salary and studying in academic institutions abroad gives a whole new different academic experience. What is more exciting is getting the chance to live permanently in this country. Aside from the usual American dream, Filipinos are targeting Australia for work, study or immigration.

Applying for a visa in Australia seems to be easy. The Australian government has been offering quite a number of visas. Australian migration seems to it that all their candidates are treated fairly – no biases of race or religion. This is indeed a very good opportunity for anyone to file an application. Each type of visa has different criteria applicants need to satisfy. Moreover, it is the government’s decision to set the requirements and the number of people they can grant a visa yearly.

Point system is being followed in applying a visa. Most Filipinos are wondering if they are qualified to apply when it comes to an age requirement. Generally, any individual under the age of 50 can apply for a visa. However, points vary on their age bracket. People under the age of 18 do not get a point. Applicants from 18 to 24 get a score of 25. People between 25to 32 is awarded a score of 30. Individuals from 33 to 39 are given 25 points. Men and women who are at the age of 40 to 44 are given 15, and applicants 45 and up gets a zero. Hence, we can conclude that applicants should be 25 to 32 to get the highest score in the point system.

Aside from age there are other criteria needed. Here are some:

  • English proficiency test score (IELTS or the International English Language Test System examination)
  • Educational attainment (Australian diploma, Bachelor’s degree or Doctorate degree on recognized universities or academic institutions)
  • Longevity of employment here in the Philippines

For more information on the criteria of a specific visa, visit www.immi.gov.au.

Among the requirements, the IELTS score is an important one to secure as early as possible. It is an English proficiency test where one’s skill is evaluated through different tasks that include reading, listening, speaking and writing. Getting the standard score and even getting better like IELTS 8.0 is better for visa application. The better the IELTS score, the higher points one get.

Getting a visa to Australia is not that complicated. Follow the right requirements and be sure to complete them before lodging the application.


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