11:38 AM
Seeking a better life overseas? Why don’t you try applying for a visa in Canada?

Canada is one of the countries where an increasing number of Filipino immigrants have been recorded yearly. Indeed, Filipinos find Canada a country where they can work with better benefits and live a life that they have always wanted. With a very strong economy and breathtaking scenery, Canada is sure to offer any Filipino immigrants a better quality of life. However, it is an advantage to any immigrant to know the different visa categories in Canada. 

1. Canadian Experience Class

Applying for permanent resident status through this visa, one should be (1)have the required work experience in Canada and must have possessed all the necessary work permits and authorizations, (2) able to speak in French or English.


a. Work experience

· At least a year of full-time as a skilled worker; full time means 30 hours a week or about 1560 hours in a year.

b. Skilled work experience

· Must be a job or occupation that requires a specific level of skill, education or training. There are three types:

  • Skill Type 0 (senior management, middle and management positions)
  • Skill Type A (occupations that require a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctorate level)
  • Skill Type B (occupations that require at a college or vocational level)

c. Language Requirements

· A proficiency test on English (IELTS) or French

2. Business Immigrant Visa Class

This type of visa is to those immigrants who can invest or start a new business in Canada. Applicants are expected that through their businesses, they will support the growing economy of Canada. Applicants are selected based on their ability to become economically established once in Canada.

a. Investors – it aims to attract people and capital in Canada. Applicants must be able to show that they have strong business experience, an investment in Canada, and a good minimum net worth.

b. Entrepreneurs – it targets people who will own and manage their own businesses in Canada. These businesses have to make a contribution to the economy and provide jobs in the country.

c. Self-employed persons – it is for people who have the intention and ability to establish their own employment. They are expected to contribute to the cultural or athletic life in Canada.

3. Trained Worker Visa

Applicants are chosen as permanent residents based on their ability to become economically established in Canada. Applicants must be able to present the following:

a. A certification or result of a language proficiency test (English or French)

b. A valid offer of employment

c. A one-year full-time paid work experience in one of the occupations in Canada

Applicants have the option to choose on:

a. Federal Skilled Worker: for those interested to live in any province except Quebec

b. Quebec Skilled Worker: for those migrating to Quebec

c. Provincial Nomination Programs Skilled Worker: for those intending to live and work in their particular province and territory

Visa applicants may take time and a lot of money so preparing the requirements beforehand is a good step. In addition, choose which visa suits you best. For more information, visit http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/.


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