Want to earn more money? Work overseas! This is a sad fact, yet we cannot deny the better benefits given by countries overseas especially about salaries. Most Filipinos who work abroad have left the country due to better salary packages and career development in companies and institutions overseas. Amongst the many countries overseas, English speaking countries are the target of the Filipinos. The reason behind this is that it will not be difficult to communicate in such countries as Filipinos can both use and understand the English language well. One country that has been gaining more and more Filipinos is Australia.
A state sponsorship can be applied by any individual as long they have been nominated by a state or territory in the government of Australia. There are criteria for an individual to be eligible. For example, if a candidate applies for state sponsorship in Western Australia, here is what applicants should do.
· Submit an eligible Expression of Interest (EOI) in the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) SkillSelect database.
For the EOI to be eligibile, one must meet the following:
- A score of at least 60 DIBP points test.
- Evidence of a skills assessment suitable for permanent migration in the nominated occupation
- Have an available nominated occupation in the list of the territories
- Competent English. The applicant must score at least a score of 6 or 7 in Western Australia in each band of the IELTS or the International English Language Testing System examination.
- Age not older than 50 years old.
- Work experience of at least three years
Each territory has its own nominated occupations. Once an individual applies for a certain occupation in a particular territory, they will be assessing your eligibility for the said position. As soon as you are eligible, an invitation will be sent detailing that you are eligible to make an application. The state determines your qualifications based on the requirements and your work experiences.
When you are awarded with the said visa, there is a possibility to apply for a permanent resident status after a couple of years living in Australia given you qualify with the criteria for the PR status.
For more information on state sponsorship in Australia, visit http://www.immi.gov.au/Visas/Pages/190.aspx.
For more information on state sponsorship in Australia, visit http://www.immi.gov.au/Visas/Pages/190.aspx.
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